Question 21: What are your important considerations for water washing with respect to: 1) Intermittent injection a. Process temperature of injection b. Duration of injection c. Frequency - triggers to begin d. How frequently before making it continuously? 2) Water Quality: a. pH range b. Oxygen c. Total Suspended solids d. Total dissolved solids e. Recirculation vs. make-up f. Other

Hotter temperatures typically will increase in the need for better designed injection systems. The injection mix point needs to be designed to contact and scrub the vapor well, with adequate dilution of water, with metallurgy at the injection point selected to handle the lower pH of the droplets.

Question 20: What considerations do you give to co-processing or block mode operations with renewables in an existing hydroprocessing unit?

In all scenarios, a refiner must consider their RFS obligations, potential biodiesel tax incentives, biodiesel merchant market, refiner’s existing hydrotreating units’ utilization rates, capabilities, and designs, renewable feedstock types, availability, price, and pre-treatment requirements, and product specifications and storage constraints.

Question 19: What considerations do you use for designing a hydrocracking reactor? What criteria do you use to determine number of beds, diameter, and beds’ lengths?

Hydrocracking reactor design is a proprietary technology with each licensor having their own specific design practice based on operating experience, catalyst technology, and engineering expertise. It is not the purpose of this forum to reveal proprietary technology, but to improve refiners’ operations through shared experience.

Question 18: Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) Hydrotreaters are being pushed to process heavier feeds while maximizing Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) performance while meeting Tier III gasoline specifications. How are you balancing increased severity and cycle length? What considerations do you give to feed quality and upstream unit operations?

The FCC unit has long been the workhorse in the refinery to achieve relatively low-cost conversion of heavy crude components (VGO, HCGO and some atmospheric residue) into gasoline, butenes for high-octane alkylate production, propylene and LCO diesel blend components.

Question 17: Where do your route your disulfide oil from caustic treatment? If disulfide oil, that may contain caustic or other contaminants, is routed to a hydrotreater, what are preferred methods for treating it to avoid fouling exchangers, furnaces and catalyst?

Disulfide oil is gravity settled out of the regenerated caustic in a settler vessel. A slip stream of cold Naphtha or #1 fuel oil is injected and used to help provide a larger volume of hydrocarbon to dissolve the disulfides and aid in separation (Sponge Oil).