Question 44: Describe your procedures for placing and operating the FCC in hot standby/safe park mode. What safety concerns do you consider and what safeguards should be in place?

If the air blower is not running, things you should consider are ensuring all ignition sources are shutdown, bypassed or isolated (ESP, torch oil, DFAH, CO Boiler). Verify all hydrocarbon sources to the reactor, riser and regenerator are closed (fresh feed, any recycles, torch oil, fuel gas purges, LCO quench, etc.) and all sources of air are not being injected (main air, plant instrument air, fluffing air, etc.).

Question 41: What effective practices do you deploy to improve the removal of inorganic contaminants in crude such as iron and calcium? What has been the industry success rate with these practices?

Cracked feedstocks can be introduced into the crude unit from several sources; the most common of which in North America are diluted bitumen from Canadian sources, diluted crude oils from South American sources, and slop streams from cracking units onsite that are recycled into the reprocessed slop oil blended into the crude unit feedstream.

Question 37: Do you extend the time between de-coking the furnace by cutting coil outlet temperature or cutting furnace charge? How often are spallings done in coker furnaces? What is the temperature recovery after spalling?

Heater fouling is dependent on several variables that include the process film temperature, residence time at temperature and coke precursor concentration. I like to target a coke drum outlet temperature of 825°F before quench injection, which normally requires a Coker heater outlet temperature of 925°F.