Question 4: What are the requirements for a unit depressurization valve in isom unit using a chlorided alumina catalyst based? Do you require the depressurization valve to be operable from the console and/or emergency shutdown device (ESD) panel?

Axens recommends that in cases of emergency depressurization of the reactor circuit, the circuit fluid is depressurized into the product stabilizer with the light gases still being treated in the off-gas caustic scrubber before being sent to flare.

Question 53: What are some of your industry practices for upgrading gas plant piping to post weld heat treat to manage carbonate cracking risk?  Please comment on methods such as requirement for new piping, systematic replacement of existing piping, risk-based replacement, or inspection based?

What are some of your industry practices for upgrading gas plant piping to post weld heat treat to manage carbonate cracking risk?  Please comment on methods such as requirement for new piping, systematic replacement of existing piping, risk-based replacement, or inspection based?

Question 50: What methods or operating parameters do you use to monitor/diagnose FCCU regenerator air and catalyst maldistribution?  What can be done operationally to mitigate air and catalyst maldistribution?  What mechanical changes have been successful at improving air and catalyst distribution?

Localized regenerator afterburn is a common symptom of non-optimal air and/or spent catalyst distribution. Regional CO bed breakthrough will combust and afterburn in the regenerator dilute phase and cyclones indicating a stochiometric imbalance of air and coke. In a partial combustion operation, localized afterburn confirms confined oxygen breakthrough from the bed resulting in CO combustion in the dilute phase and cyclones.

Question 49: What are your reliable methods to monitor expansion joint temperature?  Are some joints more critical than others?  What temperature range is acceptable?  How do you increase or decrease temperatures if they are out of the desired range?

What are your reliable methods to monitor expansion joint temperature?  Are some joints more critical than others?  What temperature range is acceptable?  How do you increase or decrease temperatures if they are out of the desired range?

Question 48: What is your experience with carbon on regenerated catalyst levels in partial burn operations?  How do you confirm an optimal level of carbon to ensure desired product yields?  How do metal amounts or feedstock play a role in controlling carbon on regenerated catalyst?

The optimal level of carbon on regenerated catalyst (CRC) is often a balance between conversion and feed rate. Lowering CRC can be achieved by increasing air rate. In FCCs that are air blower or regenerator temperature limited, this can result in a feed rate reduction or residue processing reduction.