Economic Contribution of U.S. Petroleum Refineries (2024)

The U.S. refining industry has a widespread economic impact on our nation. It supports millions of American jobs and pumps billions of dollars into the economy, as documented by this report.

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AFPM Fuel and Petrochemical Supply Chain Report (2018)

This report describes the key elements of the petroleum and petrochemical midstream sectors and discusses the vital role this infrastructure plays in delivering the fuels and consumer goods that Americans use every day.

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Drone Tool Kit (2023)

This AFPM Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS or Drones) Tool Kit is designed to provide refiners and petrochemical manufacturers an understanding of the existing UAS legal framework, including the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new Part 107 Small UAS Rule and the waiver process under the rule for authorizing more advanced operations beyond the scope of what is permitted under the rule. It also outlines the risks to the industry as a result of the increasingly prevalent use of this technology by hobbyists, public entities, news organizations and commercial industry, and it describes what protections are available (or may soon be available) — including FAA enforcement, common law torts and certain UAS-specific state laws.

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Ideas To Empower America’s Emerging Shale-Based Manufacturing Renaissance - ASMP Playbook (2015)

The American Shale & Manufacturing Partnership (ASMP), an informal group of academic institutions, trade groups, think tanks, foundations, labor organizations, non-governmental entities, and business development groups, held workshops across the country in 2013 and 2014 to examine the impact of abundant natural gas and oil due to shale development on U.S. manufacturing and to explore how to enhance the nation’s global competitiveness. This document is a collection of ideas that the ASMP hopes will drive a thoughtful discussion.

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