Question 56: How will the recently announced EPA requirement to depressure coke drums to below 2 Psig prior to venting to atmosphere regulations impact your coker operation and design?

In order to meet the potential requirement of less than 2 psig prior to atmospheric venting, new units designed to operate at low coke drum pressure will require additional equipment such as an ejector system discharging to a condenser (potentially the blowdown or fractionator overhead condenser) to adequately reduce the coke drum pressure prior to atmospheric venting.

Question 54: What methods and technologies are you using to monitor vapor pressure and H2S levels in the vapor space in crude railcars and trucks? What engineering controls are being used by the rail and trucking companies to ensure that the vapor pressure and H2S are being met?

What methods and technologies are you using to monitor vapor pressure and H2S levels in the vapor space in crude railcars and trucks? What engineering controls are being used by the rail and trucking companies to ensure that the vapor pressure and H2S are being met?

Question 51: What is your minimum Cloud Point Improvement that makes economic sense to apply catalytic dewaxing vs. traditional (i.e. additives and kero blending) Cold Flow Improvement methods?

At low temperatures, products with “waxy” components start to crystallize and affect the flow characteristics of the product. To avoid problems of fuel supply to an engine or lubricating problems under low temperature conditions, diesel fuels and lube oils often have stringent specifications on flow properties at low temperature.