Question 25: What factors contribute to your decision to place the regeneration section of a CCR in standby mode when the unit is operating in a low-coke mode? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different standby modes (black-catalyst circulation, hot-shutdown, cold-shutdown, etc.).

If the coke content is very low in comparison with the coke burn capacity of the CCR unit, the operation can be limited in one of a few ways. A minimum gas flow is required to ensure the catalyst is properly dried before leaving the regenerator and returning for reduction.

Question 23: What are the sources of platinum loss in precious metals catalysts? What role can your refinery engineers play in minimizing this loss?

Typical operating conditions in a reformer do not result in platinum volitization. However, it is possible for Platinum to become volatile and come off the catalyst at very high temperatures. One place this can occur is in the Chlorination zone of the CCR Regeneration Tower, where slipping coked catalyst into an oxygen rich atmosphere can result in very high temperatures.

Question 22: What is your method to clean a "Texas Tower" type of combined feed/effluent exchanger? Comment on the differences between cleaning in-place, extraction and reinsertion, and online cleaning.

Pulling the VCFE tube bundle can be very difficult. Removing and re-installing the bellows is also a difficult task. Care should be taken not to damage the exchanger when pulling or installing the tube bundle. In addition, setting the bundle in the horizontal will, in most instances, cause damage such as tube to tube sheet leaks.

Question 21: Have you had experience with buildup on pump seals in stabilizer or debutanizer reflux pumps that process material that potentially contains chloride salts? In what circumstances do you use salt dispersants and could they mitigate or aggravate this phenomenon?

Have you had experience with buildup on pump seals in stabilizer or debutanizer reflux pumps that process material that potentially contains chloride salts? In what circumstances do you use salt dispersants, and could they mitigate or aggravate this phenomenon?