Question 17: How does alkylate contribute to gasoline blend pool sulfur? With pending Tier III regulations, what steps are you taking to understand and control this contribution?

The feed to an HF Alkylation unit typically contains about 10 – 20 wppm of Sulfur. Nearly all of the sulfur in the HF Alky feed makes ASO, which mostly stays in the acid phase in the reactor. This ASO is removed from the acid in the Acid Regeneration (or rerun) column and so most of the sulfur typically is rejected from the unit in the ASO product stream.

Question 16: In recent years the gasoline blend pool has shifted due to increased ethanol blending, higher volumes of high RVP material from processing lighter crudes, and other specifications changes. How are you taking advantage of these changes to optimize the gasoline processing units?

In recent years the gasoline blend pool has shifted due to increased ethanol blending, higher volumes of high RVP material from processing lighter crudes, and other specifications changes. How are you taking advantage of these changes to optimize the gasoline processing units?

Question 12: The industry is recently discussing alternative metallurgy specifications for HF alkylation units. What is your experience on this issue?

One metallurgy issue that has been a hot topic in recent years is the specification for low Residual Elements (RE) in carbon steel for HF service. Based on recommendations made in NACE paper 03651, ASTM developed Supplemental Specifications for carbon steel that can be called out in purchase orders for steel that is to be used in HF Alky service

Question 8: What are your typical run lengths between maintenance turnarounds for gasoline units? What evaluations do you make to ensure that a prolonged turnaround interval is the most profitable choice?

CCR Platforming Unit Customers report 3.2 years on average between turnarounds. And 10 % of the units exceed 5 years. Although, catalyst change-out frequently determined this time previously, the ability to change out “on the-fly” while maintaining operations has removed this constraint.