Question 57: Advanced (Closed)-Riser Termination Systems have been around since the 1990s. Explain any technology improvements you have seen based on experience and learnings.

The primary goal of a modern riser termination system which considers the close coupling of the primary and secondary separating devices is the reduction of residence time and, thus, the minimization of undesirable thermal cracking reactions. This post-riser cracking usually translates to dry gas yield at the expensive of other, more valuable products.

Question 55: Given the expansion of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), “Big Data”, cloud-based technologies, and advanced analytics, how are you applying these cutting-edge aspects into their work processes and toolkit to optimize FCC yield, reliability, and safety performance?

With the advent of “Big Data” and cloud-based technologies, refiners are now able to harvest mega data in a process environment. Hundreds of thousands of values are being generated every few seconds to measure, monitor, control, and optimize plant operations. The major benefit of “Big Data” is to demystify the different plant data used by various parts of the organization by using with a common set of information that is utilized by all departments. In the modern refinery, the key is transparency in strategy, philosophy, and shared goals.

Question 54: What recent innovations have you made to instrumentation that has application in FCC units?

For level measurement, guided-wave radar level instruments have been gaining popularity and been successfully applied in numerous services, especially for interface levels. Nuclear-type level instruments have been more or less accepted in other processing units in refineries and have made their way into the FCCU for severe services, such as main fractionator bottoms level, and for hopper levels.

Question 52: What challenges do you face for implementing safety-instrumented systems that result in closure of the FCC slide valves?

Systems are designed to meet a specific safety integrity level (SIL). Each operating company has a risk-based matrix specific to the company or site. This matrix has severity on one axis and probability on the other axis. High severity and high probability score the highest. Based on this ranking system, the company sets the SIL rating at SIL 1, 2, or 3. SIL 1 and 2 are the most commonly found in typical refinery processes.

Question 51: Can you comment on the safety aspects of placing catalyst in a standpipe to help isolate one vessel from the other? Does the existence of catalyst in a standpipe create a ‘seal’?

I would like to mention that we will have a P&P tomorrow on this topic, so I will try to keep my answer short. It is assumed that this question relates to using the slide or plug valve to form a seal between the regenerator and the reactor during shutdowns. I would like to point out that this is a standard practice in an FCC as there is really no other option; and for the most part, it does work. 

Question 50: From this list of your top FCC gas plant constraints, which area is your primary constraint: 1) main column (MC) overhead, 2) wet gas compressor, 3) primary or sponge absorber, 4) stripper, or 5) debutanizer bottoms or overhead?

Refining investments in alkylation expansions and gasoline octane improvements require production of additional feedstock for the alkylation unit. The primary source of olefin feedstock for the alkylation unit is the FCC unit. Operating conditions in the FCC unit can be adjusted to favor increased propylene and butylene production. The FCC wet gas compressor becomes the first major bottleneck in recovering the incremental propylene and butylene. Modifications may be required to the compressor, as well as associated cooling, inter-stage, or after-stage equipment. 

Question 49: How do you use today’s Advanced Process Control (APC) technology to achieve crude unit operation that supports short-and long-term planning goals? How do you achieve alignment between the crude unit APC and those of downstream units?

Without proper resources and attention, Advanced Process Control (APC) technology may experience inconsistencies as applied to crude units. Refineries where crude slate varies frequently may struggle capturing the value that APC provides for steady controls and optimization. Mode-based APC may be applicable, but irregularities in crude compositions may still provide hurdles.