Question 42: What are your typical H2S (hydrogen sulfide) detection and monitoring methods used on heavy oil fractions being transported via truck, rail, or barge? What are the mitigation options you employ?

We see typically dragger tube testing and head space H2S monitors being used. Mitigation is still done, for the most part, with chemical additives. The most commonly used additives are from the triazine family. As a result of the concerns that refiners have with some of the existing triazine and non-triazine (e.g., glyoxal) being used with respect to the impact on downstream equipment, Nalco Champion has developed both non-triazine, non-acidic (non-glyoxal), and low nitrogen alternative H2S scavengers.

Question 41: What are the considerations you use for extending hydrogen plant catalyst life cycles (i.e., lower production rates, furnace tube failure, etc.)?

There are many parameters affecting the hydrogen plant catalyst life cycles, such as lower production rates, furnace tube failure, unplanned plant shutdowns, larger catalyst volumes, elevated energy consumption, and finite ZnO/S (zinc oxide/sulfur) capacity. Lower Production Rates will obviously result in longer catalyst lifetime due to a lower gas velocity over the catalyst.

Question 40: As it relates to overall catalyst cycle life management, please address the following issues: What are typical cascading practices for catalyst reuse after regeneration and eventual disposal that you employ? What quality control, catalyst properties and performance specifications, and/or warranties do you have in place for regenerated catalysts? What are some of the key decision criteria you use in determining whether to send a catalyst for metals reclamation, r

First, a response to the question: What are typical cascading practices that you employ for catalyst reuse after regeneration and eventual disposal? As the leading catalyst regenerator, Eurecat sees NiMo and CoMo hydrotreated catalysts (regenerated and regenerated plus rejuvenation) in ULSD, jet, kerosene, naphtha, and gas oil hydrotreating units.

Question 39: Please summarize the current status of slurry hydrocracking technology commercialization.

Slurry hydrocracking technology has been commercialized in China (VCC) and Italy (EST) in the past two to three years. Both facilities have demonstrated expected performance, including conversion and selectivity. The reliability of slurry hydrocracking is still an open question as these units have only been in operation for a short time. Additional VCC commercial units are scheduled for startup in the next 12 months.

Question 38: What do you see for the future of ebullated bed technology considering changes in crude quality and availability?

With the worldwide requirement for higher conversion of residue into lighter, more valuable transportation fuels such as diesel remaining firmly in place, we very much see ebullated-bed (EB) residue hydrocracking building on its current trend as a bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading technology of choice going forward. Investment in this commercially proven, well-established technology is a way to increase complexity and ensure long-term survival in an increasingly volatile marketplace.

Question 35: What are possible causes do you see of high product nitrogen in a naphtha hydrotreater processing coker naphtha? Please include monitoring, identification, and troubleshooting techniques, inside and outside battery limit considerations, and mitigation options.

Daily monitoring of feed nitrogen and distillation, via the Sim Dist (simulated distillation) method, will allow the refiner to adjust reactor temperature or control the final boiling point to meet the desired product nitrogen.

Question 34: The cycle life of a high-pressure ULSD unit operating for maximum aromatic saturation and liquid yield is limited by aromatics equilibrium at elevated temperatures. What strategies or solutions do you employ to extend operation with maximum liquid yield?

This question is more related to EOR conditions when you have employed all of the operational techniques but wish to further optimize the EOR performance without yield decline. If you are already maximizing H2 pp (partial pressure), achieving full catalyst utilization with state-of-the art reactor internals, and adjusting bed profiles at MOR/EOR (middle-of-run/end-of-run) to remain in region of optimum aromatic saturation, the following example illustrates the benefits of optimizing the nickel-molybdenum catalyst for your application.

Question 33: Can you share your experience with chemical additives to prevent fouling in the naphtha hydrotreater feed side of the feed/effluent heat exchangers or resolve reactor pressure drop issues?

The answer is partially the same as the one given to Question 28. First, the root cause needs to be determined. If the dP is caused by corrosion products due to corrosion in the upstream refinery units, the corrosion in these units can be reduced by applying the proper corrosion control program.