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Pending vote: The Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act (H.R. 4468) in the coming week. This legislation, originally introduced by Representative Tim Walberg (MI-5) earlier this year, would prohibit the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from finalizing its proposal to require roughly 70% of new car and truck sales to be “zero tailpipe emission” in less than 10 years.

Bring back CFATS

In late July, Congress allowed a valuable program that enhances security at chemical facilities across the country to expire. The program is called the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), and its primary mission is to protect chemical facilities from potential terror threats by addressing a wide range of possible vulnerabilities, including cyberattacks.

Refinery turnarounds 101: What are turnarounds and why do we need them?

Turnarounds—and the time they require—are critical for safe refinery operations and for the longer-term reliability of U.S. fuel production. But with a smaller number of U.S. facilities shouldering market demands, offline facilities can impact market dynamics. Where turnarounds are concerned, though, refineries take every measure possible to limit any potential disruptions to consumers and fuel supplies.

EPA draft strategy to prevent plastic pollution needs revision

AFPM welcomes the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) efforts in developing a Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, but consistent with comments submitted to the Agency, we urge a revision of their strategy. To prevent plastic pollution, we encourage EPA to embrace policies that enable, not hinder, a circular economy for plastics where we use a range of technologies and strategies to recover post-consumer plastic and transform it back into usable materials.