We understand the threat that weather events can pose.
Our nation’s refiners and petrochemical manufacturers have developed robust preparedness measures that can be taken in the event of a hurricane or extreme weather event.

We are proactive in our planning for these types of events.
We have taken measures like building and elevating new refinery control rooms, electrical equipment, pumps and compressors to avoid flooding. We have added redundant power supplies and generators. We have developed, executed and continuously refine comprehensive preparedness plans. We have also increased on-site containment facilities and developed additional operating procedures for startup and shutdown events.

We take our lessons learned seriously.
Following every severe hurricane, we share best practices and invest heavily in the standards and infrastructure needed to better protect surrounding ecosystems. Our response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and their aftermath demonstrates our industry’s preparedness, even in the worst cases. By investing in cutting-edge technology and advanced processes, we reduced emissions, minimized our impact on the environment, helped facilities restart production and aided communities to bounce back faster after storms than in years past.


Hurricane Preparedness
Supply & Prices
Government Coordination
Gulf States’ Emergency Management Offices