Question 56: Some crude tower overhead deposition appears to be linked to corrosion treatment programs (i.e. filming corrosion inhibitors and neutralizers). Have you confirmed this and what are the potential mechanisms that can lead to this deposition?

Corrosion inhibitors (filmers) have been known to cause deposition in several different ways. Generally, the cause is injection into an overhead that is too hot, flashing off the carrier, or injection of neat chemical, flashing off its solvent.

Question 55: What is considered the best-in-class design for coker main fractionator wash zones? Have refiners seen good performance and target run lengths using grids in this service?

Cokers today are normally designed to operate to maximize liquid yield from the unit. This will require the coker to operate at as low a recycle as possible while still maintaining the required product specifications for the heavy coker gas oil (carbon content, metals, asphaltenes, etc.). For a low recycle operation a spray chamber is the best-in-class.