For An Unusual Back-to-School, Remote Learning Needs Met by Fuel and Petrochemical Makers
As with many other challenges brought by COVID-19, fuel and petrochemical manufacturers are stepping in to help support schools and students during this difficult time.
AFPM Statement on Senate Passage of the PIPES Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. – AFPM released the following statement following the Senate’s bipartisan passage of the PIPES Act (S. 2299).
RFS Targets Are Based on Outdated Projections — Not America’s Reality
The limiting factor for ethanol consumption is, and has always been, the blend wall.
Three Takeaways from Union Research on Oil and Natural Gas v. Renewable Jobs
North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) surveyed energy industry workers and examined existing BLSA data, and discovered several notable takeaways.
AFPM Safety Awards Industries’ Outstanding Workplace Operations
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) has announced the winners of the 2019 Annual Safety Awards, part of an ongoing mission to enhance and recognize outstanding workplace safety.
AFPM Statement on CFATS Reauthorization
WASHINGTON, D.C. – AFPM released the following statement today in response to the President signing into the law the reauthorization of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program.
AFPM Joint Statement on WRDA
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A joint statement by AFPM and other groups on the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure’s passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020.
AFPM Statement on CEQ Final Rule to Modernize NEPA
WASHINGTON, D.C. – AFPM released this statement in response to the Council on Environmental Quality’s announcement of its final rule to update and modernize its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations
Statement by AFPM on EPA Decision to Retain Current Ozone Standard
WASHINGTON, D.C. – EPA rightly made the decision to retain the current ozone standard at 70 parts per billion, based on recent science-based studies that found little reason to tighten the standard.