What they’re saying: Experts examine the future of the fuel & petrochemical industries
Dramatic predictions and commentaries about the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of the fuel and petrochemical industries have made headlines.
What They’re Saying: Industries Provide High-quality, Well-paying Jobs
The fuel and petrochemical industries employ highly trained, talented people who produce the fuels, feedstocks and products that are critical
AFPM Statement on the Election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
WASHINGTON, D.C. – AFPM congratulates President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris.
How the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 Can Help Build a More Competitive Rail Network
American manufacturing has seen its fair share of challenges in what has been a transformational year economically, thanks in part to a protracted trade war and the global pandemic.
A Conversation with EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler — the 15th person in history to head the Environmental Protection Agency — visited AFPM recently to discuss with Chet Thompson the Agency’s approach to regulatory reform.
When We Were Called to Serve
For more than 100 years, the women and men of our industries have answered the call to serve when our country needed them. Through war, economic shocks, and natural disasters, refiners and petrochemical manufacturers have helped build new industries, grow our economy and fuel progress.
Refiners Adapt Internships to Meet COVID-19 Challenges
Before the pandemic hit, the nation’s manufacturing sector — including the refining and petrochemical industries — was wrestling with how to find and train enough young people to replace the wave of Baby Boomers retiring from the workforce at a rate of nearly 6,000 per day.
Drones are Bolstering Safety and Security at Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
One of the societal byproducts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an increased emphasis on technology to meet changing needs, and the fuel and petrochemical industries are no exception to that trend.
Members of Congress Call on President to Address Mexico Market Access
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members in the House and Senate, led by Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, sent a letter this week to President Trump urging him to address issues of unfair market access for U.S. energy companies doing business in Mexico. Chet Thompson, President and CEO of AFPM, echoed these calls with the following statement.