WASHINGTON, D.C. — American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) President and CEO Chet Thompson issued the following statement commending Virginia’s decision not to implement California’s looming ban on gasoline and diesel vehicles. Earlier today, Virginia Governor Youngkin announced that the Commonwealth will be reverting to Federal standards instead of adopting ACCII at the end of this year.

“Kudos to Governor Youngkin for following the will of the people who have made clear that they do not want politicians dictating what cars they can drive. We welcome Virginia into the growing number of states – both red and blue – that have rejected California’s ban on sales of new gas-powered cars and trucks. President Biden should take heed and reverse his own de facto ban on most new gas-powered cars. Consumers, not policymakers in Washington D.C. and Sacramento, should decide what car is right for them and their families.”

Visit AFPM.org to learn more about why California vehicle bans and Virginia policy matter to AFPM and related efforts to raise awareness in the Commonwealth.

Media Contact:
Rachel Farbman
About AFPM Editorial:

The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) is the leading trade association representing the makers of the fuels that keep us moving, the petrochemicals that are the essential building blocks for modern life, and the midstream companies that get our feedstocks and products where they need to go. We make the products that make life better, safer and more sustainable — we make progress.
