The AFPM Environmental Conference program focuses on regulatory and policy issues at the plant level. The meeting format consists of both technical presentations and question and answer sessions. The sessions are designed to address the impacts of various environmental regulations on refineries and petrochemical plants and to provide solutions and compliance mechanisms for a facility. A tabletop session highlights technologies and systems developed or used by organizations to improve environmental compliance and controls. The Conference features industry experts from refining and petrochemical companies.
Online registration closes October 13, 2023.
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM |
07:30 AM - 08:00 AM |
Monday Breakfast
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM |
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM | |
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM | |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | |
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM | |
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM | |
02:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Coffee Break
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM | |
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM |
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM |
08:00 AM - 02:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
08:00 AM - 08:30 AM |
Tuesday Breakfast
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM |
Welcome Remarks
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM | |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | |
11:30 AM - 01:00 PM |
Luncheon with Speaker – Certified Carbon Offsets for ESG
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM | |
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
Time | Title |
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
Eric Swisher — Technical Director, ALL4 LLC
Amanda Gravseth — Senior Chemical Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Dawn Neal — Client Relationship Manager, TRICORD Consulting, LLC
Kari Ward — Account Manager, Trihydro Corporation
Sue Sung — Director - EHS Global Services, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Peter Armstrong — Vice President of Business Development, Linde Engineering Americas
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM |
Rich Alonso — Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Operations, Cenovus Energy Inc.
LeAnn Johnson-Koch, Perkins Coie
Justin A. Savage — Partner, Sidley Austin
Doug Parker — CEO, Ecolumix, Inc.
Taylor Wilson — BCS Manager, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Taras Lewus — Regional Vice President, Atlas Technical Consultants
Jeremy Sell — Senior VP, Air and Process Services, Trihydro Corporation
Time | Title |
07:30 AM - 08:00 AM |
Monday Breakfast
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM |
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
Eric Swisher — Technical Director, ALL4 LLC
Amanda Gravseth — Senior Chemical Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Dawn Neal — Client Relationship Manager, TRICORD Consulting, LLC
Kari Ward — Account Manager, Trihydro Corporation
Sue Sung — Director - EHS Global Services, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Peter Armstrong — Vice President of Business Development, Linde Engineering Americas
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM |
Deever Bradley — Senior Principal, SLR
Jim Fain — Senior Manager, Environmental, Cenovus Energy Inc.
Justin A. Savage — Partner, Sidley Austin
David R. Wall — Regional Manager, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM |
Roy Prather III — Shareholder, Beveridge and Diamond, P.C.
John Obery — Legal Counsel, U.S. Operations, Cenovus Energy Inc.
Rosco Peters — Environmental Scientist, NewFields
Rich Alonso — Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Operations, Cenovus Energy Inc.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Amy M Marshall — Air Quality Practice Director, ALL4 LLC
Gary Daves — Senior Regulatory Professional, TRICORD Consulting, LLC
Patricia Sorensen — Principal Consultant, Environmental Resources Management
John D. Reese — Policy Advisor, American Petroleum Institute
Mary Bachynsky — Env. Consultant, Formosa Plastics Corporation, USA
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM |
Sabine Lange Ph.D., DABT — Section Manager, Toxicology Division, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM |
Terry Mors — Principal Consultant, Environmental Resources Management
Kyle Brzymialkiewicz — Vice President - Gulf Coast, Anew Climate
Alexandra H Bromer, Perkins Coie
Aimee Ford, Perkins Coie
Colin McGroarty — Partner, Environmental Resources Management
02:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Coffee Break
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM |
Lynn McGuire — Senior Principal, Geosyntec Consultants
Ken Wells — Product Applications Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
Allan Buikema — Sustainability Engineer, Solomon Associates LLC
Bart Leininger — Principal & Founder, Ashworth Leininger Group
Colin McGroarty — Partner, Environmental Resources Management
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM |
Time | Title |
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM |
08:00 AM - 02:00 PM |
Tabletop Showcase
Eric Swisher — Technical Director, ALL4 LLC
Amanda Gravseth — Senior Chemical Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Dawn Neal — Client Relationship Manager, TRICORD Consulting, LLC
Kari Ward — Account Manager, Trihydro Corporation
Sue Sung — Director - EHS Global Services, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Peter Armstrong — Vice President of Business Development, Linde Engineering Americas
08:00 AM - 08:30 AM |
Tuesday Breakfast
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM |
Welcome Remarks
Chet Thompson — President and CEO, AFPM
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM |
David M. Uhlmann — Assistant Administrator, U.S. EPA
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM |
Jaana Pietari — Senior Managing Consultant, RAMBOLL
Chris S. Scott — Product Manager, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
Jennifer Barks — Partner, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Matthew Hodges — Director, Regional Env. and Regulatory Affairs, Valero Energy Corporation
11:30 AM - 01:00 PM |
Luncheon with Speaker – Certified Carbon Offsets for ESG
Kyle Brzymialkiewicz — Vice President - Gulf Coast, Anew Climate
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM |
Kyongmin Song — Senior Environmental Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Jed Anderson — CEO, EnviroAI
Jon Bloomberg — Attorney, Squire Patton Boggs
Joel Trinkle — Sr. Air Quality Consultant/Vice President, Barr Engineering Co.
Amy McDonald — Partner, Environmental Resources Management
Phillip Fish — Senior Chemical Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
Al Reich — Senior Chemical Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Behdad Yazdani — Managing Consultant, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Harold A Laurence V — Senior Consultant, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
Lindsay Giovannetti — Senior Environmental & Regulatory Advisor, Suncor Energy Inc.
Deever Bradley — Senior Principal, SLR
Taras Lewus — Regional Vice President, Atlas Technical Consultants
Rohit Sharma — Manager, Environmental Issues, LyondellBasell Industries
Meeting Fees
Registration fees are based on AFPM membership. If your company is a member of AFPM, you qualify for the member fees.
Save $100 on registration fees by registering on or before September 22nd. Registration fees increase on September 23. Online registration closes on October 13, 2023.
Registration Cancellation Policy
Cancellations may be made by September 8, 2023 with no penalty. Cancellations made online or written cancellations postmarked, faxed, or emailed between September 9 and September 22, 2023 will receive a refund of fees, less a $100 processing fee. No refunds after September 22, 2023. No telephone cancellations.
Fee | By September 22 | After September 22 |
Member | $350.00 | $400.00 |
Non-Member | $495.00 | $545.00 |
Name | Price | Available To |
Member Registration - Early | $850.00 | Member/Government |
Member Registration - Late | $950.00 | Member/Government |
Non-Member Registration - Early | $1,350.00 | |
Non-Member Registration - Late | $1,450.00 | |
Spouse Registration | $100.00 |
Registration Includes:
Admission to the general sessions, the reception and tabletop session on Monday, and luncheons Monday and Tuesday.
Who Should Attend:
Environmental representatives of refinery and petrochemical plants and service organizations will benefit from attending this conference.
Meeting Attire:
Business Casual (no tie; jacket optional)
Travel Information:
San Antonio International Airport - 8.5 miles - 20 minutes
Taxi: Approximate cost from the San Antonio Airport to the downtown hotels is approximately $35 one way.
Parking: $51.00
Reservations cannot be made prior to registration. Upon completion of registration, on the registration confirmation page as well as in your confirmation email you will be provided instructions on how to reserve your hotel accommodations. Should you have any trouble in making your reservations please contact us at ENV@afpm.org.
Be sure to register and reserve your room by the extended cut-off date of October 6th. After October 6th, reservations will be accepted on a space available basis at the prevailing rate.
The Westin Riverwalk
420 West Market Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Guest Room:
City View Rate: $249.00 Single/Double Occupancy per night
River View Rate: $279.00 Single/Double Occupancy per night
Those who are present at the site of an AFPM meeting and/or occupy a hotel room in the AFPM room block to conduct business with industry personnel gathered for that meeting are expected to register for that meeting and pay the registration fee, whether or not they attend a specific function.
Member Fee Eligibility - The member rate is based on membership information currently on file with AFPM. If your company is not currently a member, the non-member fees will be charged to your credit card.
A guest is a spouse/significant other, friend or an adult child (18 years old or older) who is not in an industry-related occupation. A co-worker, an associate or spouse who works within the industry may not use the Spouse/Guest Registration category.
Registration cancellations may be made online or emailed to ENV@afpm.org Substitute conference registrations may be made in advance or on arrival with no penalty, and must be submitted in writing to ENV@afpm.org.
Cancellations may be made by September 8, 2023 with no penalty. Cancellations made online or written cancellations postmarked, faxed, or emailed between September 9 and September 22, 2023 will receive a refund of fees, less a $100 processing fee. No refunds after September 22, 2023. No telephone cancellations.
Video recording, streaming or broadcasting of the exhibit hall, general sessions, workshops and discussions is strictly prohibited. Audio recording is permitted only in the workshops and for the sole purpose of private use. Any recording for purposes of reproduction or distribution without the written consent of the AFPM is strictly prohibited.
By registering for this conference, I hereby grant AFPM, its licensees and assigns, the right to use my name, biographic material, as well as, photos, or videos taken of me during the conference in news media, websites, publications, programs, articles, and/or marketing materials.
AFPM Antitrust Guidelines
AFPM takes its antitrust compliance obligations seriously and our antitrust policy goes beyond the minimum requirements.
To ensure compliance with the antitrust laws and avoid any appearance of anticompetitive activity, every participant in AFPM meetings and AFPM activities must adhere to the AFPM antitrust guidelines.
Therefore, there should be no discussion or disclosure of information with respect to:
- Individual company's prices, profits, premiums, surcharges, or discounts;
- your intent to do business with specific customers;
- proposed product offerings;
- allocation of geographic or product markets;
- any refusal to deal with a customer or supplier;
- how to respond to the market behavior of a competitor;
- company's non-public, confidential information; or
- any other topic involving a potentially anticompetitive practice.
It is not only your duty to follow the AFPM policy, but also to affirmatively stop any conversations on impermissible subjects. If a discussion presents an antitrust issue, raise your concern immediately. If the discussion continues, announce that you are leaving the meeting because you have an antitrust concern and immediately report your concern to AFPM staff and legal counsel. These Guidelines apply both during the meeting and at informal social events involving AFPM members.
This reference is an overview of AFPM's Antitrust Guidelines. It is not a substitute for legal counsel. Any and all antitrust related concerns should be addressed to AFPM's General Counsel.
The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (“AFPM”) has adopted the following “Ethical Responsibility and Professional and Personal Conduct Code” (hereinafter, “the Code”). Every member of AFPM, their designated representatives, and non-member attendees at all AFPM meetings and forums agree to abide by the Code as a condition of membership in AFPM and attendance and participation at AFPM meetings and forums.
The Code requires the following of all individuals attending AFPM meetings and forums:
• Adherence to the AFPM bylaws and the AFPM policies and procedures, as adopted by AFPM’s Board of Directors.
• Strict compliance with antitrust laws.
• Adherence to all applicable federal and state laws.
• Maintenance of the highest level of professional and personal ethical behavior while attending AFPM meetings and forums.
• Prevention of certain behaviors, including harassment, violence, intimidation and discrimination of any kind involving race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or, where applicable, veteran or marital status.
• Assurance that conduct at all times and in all professional and personal dealings with each other and other attendees is with the highest level of integrity and courtesy.
• Sharing of knowledge and expertise as speakers at AFPM educational events and sessions whenever practicable, without soliciting or explicitly promoting their own organization's products or services.
• Working to instill public and consumer confidence in the petrochemical and refining industries, its member companies, and its professionals, avoiding any action conducive to discrediting members of AFPM.
• Refraining from scheduling general attendance meetings, receptions or other events at times that conflict with substantive programming or social events at AFPM meetings without express written permission of AFPM.
Failure to abide by the Code may result, for the first offense, in informal censure of a company or individual by the AFPM Executive Committee. If violations of the Code continue after such an informal censure, a company may be subject to expulsion from AFPM, or an individual to exclusion from participation in AFPM activities, by the Board of Directors.
We ask your cooperation in observing Association policy on activities held in conjunction with any AFPM meeting:
• Meetings or social activities should not be scheduled that take registrants away from AFPM programs and AFPM-sponsored activities;
• Any company sponsoring a function to which 25 or more people are invited should outline its plans for advance approval by AFPM. In general, such functions will be approved if they do not unduly take registrants away from AFPM-sponsored activities;
• All representatives of companies sponsoring hospitality activities are expected to register for the meeting;
• Food, beverage and service personnel (bartenders, hostesses, etc.) must be obtained through the hotel catering department;
Sponsorship Information
Show your support for the industry and get additional exposure at the conference by sponsoring at the Environmental Conference.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Send an inquiry to Latoya Britt at sponsorships@afpm.org.