AFPM Communications

AFPM Communications provides insights from inside AFPM.

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AFPM expands campaign spotlighting Biden car ban policies to nine states ahead of likely Senate votes

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the United States Senate expected to vote soon on at least two measures to block or overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s newly finalized passenger vehicle regulations—policy that will functionally ban most new gas cars and trucks in less than a decade—the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) is launching a new ad buy today urging Americans in nine battleground states to contact their Senators with an appeal to stop the car ban.

ExxonMobil's Karen McKee named 2024 Petrochemical Heritage Award recipient

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) is pleased to announce ExxonMobil’s Karen McKee—president of ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company—as the 2024 Petrochemical Heritage Award recipient for her outstanding contributions to the petrochemical community. McKee received the award today, March 25 during the International Petrochemical Conference in San Antonio, Texas hosted by AFPM.