FAA Reauthorization Takes Flight - Includes Buzzworthy Drone Language
Drones are cutting edge technology that have received an uptick in attention over the last couple of years—gaining notoriety despite their beneficial commercial and recreational uses.
Cybersecurity: Affecting organizations both large and small
A news item came to light this week, but seemed to be noticed mainly by those in cybersecurity.
Petrochemicals at the AFPM Annual Meeting – the technical sessions are not just for petroleum refiners
It is not uncommon for stereotypes to be repeated long after they are no longer valid and to be considered received wisdom even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Obama’s $10-per-barrel tax proposal: taking with one hand, taking with the other
As he moves into his final year in office, President Obama has decided to tackle an issue he didn’t dare touch during his first term as he looks to
AFPM Slams Obama Plan for Oil Tax
WASHINGTON, D.C. – American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) President Chet Thompson today reacted to President Obama’s final budget proposal.
Round Up the Usual Suspects: New technologies in “old” sessions
Some things don’t change and allow me to say “thank goodness for that” because dealing with changes can be exhausting.
The Federal Government and States Regulate Several Fuel Parameters
I discussed oxygenated gasoline in a recent blog. However, there are more regulated fuel parameters.
Free Market Energy Policies: Making The American Dream Available To All (Part Two)
States with more cumbersome, choice restricting regulations have higher energy costs, reducing a state’s economic potential.
Free Market Energy Policies: Making The American Dream Available To All (Part One)
As the 2016 presidential election cycle heats up, a lot of the candidates are talking about how to revitalize the middle-class. Such a focus is welcome and overdue.