Question 80: What is your reliability experience of multiloader and continuous additive/catalyst loaders? What maintenance do you require?

Julie Ellis (Grace Catalysts Technologies)

Grace has been supplying catalyst and additive addition systems in the market for over 25 years. To maintain reliability levels greater than 98%, it is important to have the right equipment design to supply the product types at the injection rates needed to meet the FCCU operating requirements. To avoid unscheduled shutdowns and excessive wear on moveable parts, both proper installation and adherence to the recommended preventative maintenance procedures are critical to the successful long-term operation of the equipment. Maintenance frequency and recommended parts replacement will be dependent upon the design of the equipment as well as the types of products and frequency of injections. Similar to Grace’s approach to FCC catalyst design, each injection system is custom designed to meet the specific needs of the refiner, including a recommended maintenance schedule to achieve high reliability and continuous product injection.
