Question 52: What test methods do you use to predict desalter performance when switching to new crudes or a blend of several crudes?

Tom Collins (Forum Energy Technologies)

Standard laboratory tests include salt, BS&W, gravity, viscosity, and filterable solids. The amount, and type of filterable solids can be the greatest factor to consider for interface emulsion resolution and predicting performance. Testing can be time consuming, and of little value without correlations to commercial desalter performance, so a database of crude types and properties is advantages. Typically blending of several crudes in a charge tank may offer little time to accurately predict performance, in which case the best tool is experience. Along with the standard analytical tests, during operation, volts & amps should be monitored, along with interface emulsion composition and effluent water quality, all of which can be used to predict desalter performance, and help establish a data base.
