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AFPM: U.S. government flip-flop in support of plastic production caps threatens years of UN negotiating work

WASHINGTON, D.C. — American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) President and CEO Chet Thompson issued the following statement today in response to reports indicating that the United States is shifting its position on the United Nations’ global agreement to end plastic pollution and will now support calls for plastic production caps and the establishment of a global list of banned chemicals. AFPM has been a participant in the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) process for the past two years:

Petrochemicals are bringing home the gold

As we enjoy watching our favorite Olympic events and proudly tally Team USA medals, we can’t help but spot petrochemicals and their supporting role in the Games as well — in our athletes’ high-performance uniforms and sporting equipment, in the flags, nets and world-class venues on display throughout Paris.

EPA draft strategy to prevent plastic pollution needs revision

AFPM welcomes the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) efforts in developing a Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, but consistent with comments submitted to the Agency, we urge a revision of their strategy. To prevent plastic pollution, we encourage EPA to embrace policies that enable, not hinder, a circular economy for plastics where we use a range of technologies and strategies to recover post-consumer plastic and transform it back into usable materials.

AFPM testifies on legislation to rein in EPA & California efforts aimed at banning internal combustion engine vehicles

AFPM President and CEO Chet Thompson testified before a House Energy & Commerce subcommittee on legislation aimed at preserving U.S. energy security and Americans’ ability to purchase the fuels and vehicles of their choosing while continuing to move the transportation sector in a more efficient and less carbon intensive direction.